The Following are Category Examples. Orioles 1989 (Baseball Cards) Orioles 1988 Dickens Village (Porcelain) Christmas in The City New England Village Precious Moments American Coins (Coin Collecting) French Coins German Coins 1900-1950 British WWII Stamps (Stamp Collecting) Press Esc to Resume If you wish to limit the search to a particular category press F2 to make selection from table or type the Category name and press Enter. If you leave this field blank all categories will be searched. Help! (F1) cycle help !(Esc) to resume Change Export/Import Directories Use this option to set the logical DOS Drives:\Directory\SubDirectory The Currently Active Export File will also be displayed on this Menu; and, that File was set from the first option on this Menu. ; => Grading System To choose a valid Grade either type the two character code of an EXISTING grade or press F2 to view possible selections. After pressing F2 hilight the desired grade and press Enter. You may add your own grades to the table by pressing F2 to bring the table up and then Ins. To modify an existing grade, hilight the grade and press Ctrl+Enter. Esc to Resume Use the cursor keys, PgUp, and PgDn keys to move about the report. Use the Home and End keys to jump from top to bottom. Press Esc to exit the report. Press Esc to Return *(Esc) to resume Help! (F1) cycle help For example: You may wish to produce a file which would contain information to be shared with other Collector Mate users. The file would have the attributes of a Category File that you have set up through the Main Menu. The file could contain no data, or might contain previously entered data. You can add items to your Active Export through the the "Group Query" (Ctrl+Q) - Main Menu or the "Item List" table. Individual items may be "Tagged" with the bar from the "Item List" table and then added to the Active Export file with (Ctrl+T). XEXPEXNPL 4(Esc) to resume Help! ) for Example This is a Table of your exportable Files. 1. To add a new file, press the (Ins) key 2. To delete a file; hilight the file, then press the (Del) key. 3. To activate a file, use the ( ) keys to hilight a file. Press (Ctrl+A) to activate the hilighted file. 4. The curser is at the locator field and will move the hilight bar based on the Description entered. Export Collector Mate Files Table (Bas On Active Export Directory) Help! Use this "Menu Option" to access a table of Collector Mate Files to be exported. The "Active Directory" is displayed below. This is where your Export File will be written. The "Active File Name" is displayed above. This is the DOS file name of your choice. Collector Mate automatically adds an .IMP extension. Use this option to Add new files or Delete them. (F1) cycle Help (Esc) to resume Complete the information on the screen or change the existing information. To accept the entire record at any point press Ctrl+Enter. Otherwise the record will be accepted when the last field has been entered. To abort the form at any point press Ctrl+Esc or press Esc until you back up out of the form. Press Esc to Resume If you would like to filter on the generic field supply the desired match. Export Collector Mate Files Table ,Import Collector Mate Files Table ,Generic ASCII File Importer Help! Use this "Menu Option" to import an ASCII File into your Collector Mate system. The "Active Directory" is displayed below. The system will default to this Directory to first look for the ASCII File. The "File Name" can be chosen from the table you access from this Option. The file may have any valid DOS extension. Valid DOS "wildcard" con- ventions may be applied to the lookup. Logical Drives and Paths may be changed for the lookup table. (F1) cycle Help (Esc) to resume Fill out the match field and only items that match on that generic field will be reported on. Example : A baseball card collector may set his area up to have the generic label 'Status'. Here he may put things like 'Rookie', 'Error', 'Rare', etc Now one may report on all rookies, rare cards, or Error cards in that Area. This field is optional for any collectibles that may require additional information. It also may be used to create a specific report tag. Example Using baseball cards: Some baseball card collectors may choose to tag certain cards as having a special quality. For instance the generic label could be defined as 'Status' in which case the collector could respond with 'Rookie', 'Error' or 'Rare' to name a few. Now reports can be generated using records matching any one of the three entries. Press Esc to Return The following keys manipulate the Lookup Table. Insert Key- Add a record. Enter Key - Change hilighted record or activate a category. Delete Key- Delete hilighted record. Ctrl+I - Auto Insert Mode. Ctrl+C - Copy all Grades to Another Category. The following keys will move you about the Lookup Table. Cursor Down - Move down one record. Cursor Up - Move up one record. Page Down - Move down one screen page. Page Up - Move up one screen page. Home - Move to top of screen page. End - Move to bottom of screen page. Ctrl+Page Down - Move to bottom of entire table. Ctrl+Page Up - Move to top of entire table. The Grade Search will move you to the record who's grade code most closely matches what you enter. Press Esc to Resume *(Esc) to resume Help! (F1) cycle help For example: You may wish to import information from other Collector Mate users or other ASCII files. The file would have the attributes of a Category File that you have set up through the Main Menu. The file could contain no data, or might contain data which had been. IMPEXMPL 4(Esc) to resume Help! ) for example This is a Table of all of the Import Files that Collector Mate has found in the import directory you have chosen. 1. To delete a file; hilight the file, then press the (Del) key. 2. To Import data, use the ( ) keys to hilight a file. Press (Ctrl+I) to import the data into the Active Catagory. 3. The curser is at the locator field and will move the hilight bar based on the Description entered. 4. Press the (Enter) Key to access a form of the import file information. Export Collector Mate Files Table /Import Collector Mate Files Table (Based On Active Import Directory) Help! Use this "Menu Option" to access a table of Collector Mate Files to be imported. The "Active Directory" is displayed below. This is where the program will look to find your Import File. The "File Name" can be chosen from the table you access from this Option. The file will have an .IMP extension. (F1) cycle Help (Esc) to resume Fill in the information regarding the item or change existing info. To accept record at any point press Ctrl+Enter. To abort form at any point press Ctrl+Esc or Esc-(from the first field). To go into Auto Insert Mode press Ctrl+I from the Item Lookup Table. To disable auto entry just escape from the item form. If a name is provided only items with that exact name will be extracted. The following keys will manipulate the Lookup Table Enter Key - Brings the record up for viewing or changing. Delete Key - Brings the record up for deletion. Insert Key - Allows record to be added. Ctrl+I - Auto Insert Mode. Ctrl+C - Copy Hilighted Record. (For Duplicates) Ctrl+Space Bar - Tag Highlighted Item. Ctrl+T - Manipulate Tagged Items. Ctrl+D - Delete Tagged Items. The following keys will move you about the Lookup Table. Cursor Down - Moves to next record down. Cursor Up - Moves to next record up. Page Down - Moves down one screen page. Page Up - Moves up one screen page. End - Moves to bottom of active page. Home - Moves to top of active page. Ctrl+Page Down - Moves to end of entire table. Ctrl+Page Up - Moves to top of entire table. F5 Key - Toggles sort field from Name to Year. The Name Search will go to the record who's name most closely matches what you type. The name search is disabled when sorting on the field 'Year'. ( Items with a by them are in your personal collection ) Press Esc to Resume WMAIN_OPT TMAIN_STA HMAIN_CAT WMAIN_EXP (F1) Welcome to the Collector Mate Help System: The following keys will manipulate "Help" Menus: Curser Up/Down, ( ) - To move selector bar to desired Menu Option. Enter, ( - To select highlighted Menu Option. Ctrl+"Q", (^Q) - Activate Group Query. - Exit to Resume ( also for \DOS) ) then ( Tell me more about: (F1) to cycle help What are the "Menu Options" The "Status Information" How I might use Catagories What is an Export File? Press Esc to Resume Collector Mate Categories Collector Mate uses "Categories" to combine several items into a common group. The ways you use "Categories" are limited only by your imagination. Examples of Categories: Select Category: a) My coins, her coins, our a) Use this Main Menu coins. The same item in both option to change b) Items for sale, Items "categories, add or wanted, items for sale & delete a category. wanted, ,Category Update: c) Stamps, Cards, Coins, or a) Use this Main Menu Prints. (Collections of option to change differing kinds.) the characteristics Types of Categories: &of a category. a) Categories may be temporary, or permanent. b) You name the cat- b) Items may be added, or deleted either egory. You set the individually or by groups. pricing, grading, c) Entire Categories may deleted or duplicated. label, etc. Press (F1) for Help Press Esc to Resume H O> Collector Mate Export File An "Export File" is a file you create through "Trading Manager". It's primary function is to allow users of Collector Mate to trade information regarding their individual collections by diskette or modem. You may wish to create an export file called "forsale.imp" and add all or some of your For Sale items to it. Now others may easily import your file and view your For Sale items. If an export File is active, the name of the file will be displayed in this portion of the main menu. For Additional help about "Export Files" use the F1 key from the Trading Manager menu. Press F1 for Help Press Esc to resume Press (F1) for help Item Management Press Esc to Resume Add new Items Change existing Pick Category Change current subject Delete Items Category (i.e. from stamps to baseball cards). Calculations Collection Value Total Investment Reporting To Printer or Screen Item Listing For Sale Items Category Update Wanted Items Etc.. Add new Categories Change existing Phone Numbers Delete Categories Keep Collectors Dealers, Friends Trading Manager Grading Setup Manage Trade Files. Define Grading Schemes ( Yours and Others ) lPress (F1) for Help :Press Esc to resume Group Query Power option which allow you Export File to extract information from The currently "active" Export File that all or selected Catagories has been selected thru Trading Manager. Register/Info Category Software Registration The Currently active Category Screen and Information that has been selected thru the "Select Category" option off of the "Main Menu." Esc Exit to DOS Date Time Current system Current system Select the low end of the market value range you wish to include or leave this blank. This is the high market range. A number range may be supplied to further define selection criteria. This would be the low number in the range. If left blank of course no filtering will be used on number. This would be the high number in the range. Select 'Yes' to associate a number with each item. Press Esc to Return If you only want to select the "Owned", "For Sale", etc.. Make that designation here. Otherwise choose '-' to include all ownership designations. Select a retail price range if you wish to filter on the original purchase price. This is the low price range. This is the high price range. Help! Enter the valid DOS Directory and Path for your Export/Import FILES.IMP. All valid DOS naming conventions apply. (Esc to resume) Select where queried items are to go. Use cursor keys and press Enter. Esc to Resume Total all Owned Items on Amount Invested Sum Market Value of Owned Items If 'Owned' then use market value-What you paid. Net Profit on If 'For Sale' then use Sold Items Selling price-paid price. Cost Determined Potential Net Profit by Market Value Based on Retail Field First select report destination with the F5 key (Screen or Printer). Select desired report and press enter. Press Esc to exit reports. Press Esc to Resume Select 'Yes' to associate two dates with each item. Press Esc to Return The following keys manipulate the Lookup Table. Insert Key- Add a record. Enter Key - Change hilighted record or activate a category. Delete Key- Delete hilighted record. Ctrl+I - Auto Insert Mode. The following keys will move you about the Lookup Table. Cursor Down - Move down one record. Cursor Up - Move up one record. Page Down - Move down one screen page. Page Up - Move up one screen page. Home - Move to top of screen page. End - Move to bottom of screen page. Ctrl+Page Down - Move to bottom of entire table. Ctrl+Page Up - Move to top of entire table. The Category Search will move you to the record who's Category most closely matches what you enter. Press Esc to Resume EEXPTBLMN IIMPTMNU CCNGEIDIR KExport Collector Mate Files Table Import Collector Mate Files Table ) to select item for more help Change Export/Import Directories Trade Manager Help This menu allows you to access a table of Collector Mate files. These files may then be Exported or Imported to or from the directories and paths which are set from this menu. (Esc - to Resume) ) +o Select 'Yes' to keep track of a high and low market value per item. Press Esc to Return You may limit the search to a particular introduction year. Leave to include all years. This would be the retirement year or the last year this item was produced. Again, leave it blank to disable that filter. AREHLP CATHLP CNGEIDIR CONDHLP DISP_HLP EXPEXNPL EXPHLP $ EXPTBLMN FRMHLP GENHLP = GENIMPT GENRPT GNCHLP < GRDHLP IMPEXMPL IMPHLP IMPTMNU ITMFRM ITMHLP #6 ITMTBL MAIN MAIN_CAT MAIN_EXP9I MAIN_OPT MAIN_STA MRK1HLP 1[ MRK2HLP NM1HLKP d\ NM2HLP NUMBER OWNHLP PR1HLP PR2HLP {` PTHHLP QRYHLP sb QUICKTAL REPRT RETIRED TBLHLP TRADEHLP#n TWOPRICE YR1HLP dr YR2HLP (s